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Die kurvenreiche Passstrasse Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse in Gaschurn-Partenen. | © Silvretta Montafon - Montafon Tourismus Die kurvenreiche Passstrasse Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse in Gaschurn-Partenen. | © Silvretta Montafon - Montafon Tourismus
Cruise through the mountains

Alpine sightseeing on the Silvretta High-Alpine Road

Would you like to explore lofty heights without having to go hiking or climbing? It’s easy: Simply get in your car, board a bus, get your motorcycle ready or hop in the saddle of your mountain bike! With its breathtaking views and world-famous twists and bends, The Silvretta High-Alpine Road between Partenen and Galtür attracts countless mountain enthusiasts every summer.

Facts & figures about the Silvretta High-Alpine Road

Over a distance of 22.3 kilometres, the Silvretta High-Alpine Road boasts 34 hairpin turns and a maximum gradient of 12 per cent. It starts in Partenen in the Montafon region, at 1,051 metres above sea level, and continues over the Vermunt mountain pass to Silvretta-Bielerhöhe. There, the Alpine pass reaches its highest point at 2,032 metres. The route traverses through the Silvretta mountain range into Tyrol’s Paznaun valley.

Here are some key facts:

  • only open in summer
  • toll road
  • € 15 per car
  • no trailers
  • no overnight parking
  • maximum length of 13.8 metres for coaches

Exploring the Alpine twists and bends on two wheels

Do you prefer to explore nature from the saddle of your bicycle or motorcycle? Whichever you prefer, the Silvretta High-Alpine Road will be a rewarding experience. Did somebody say potholes? Not on this road! Motorcyclists navigate the 32 distinctive hairpin turns on a perfect road surface.

You can also explore the magnificent mountain scenery at more than 2,000 metres above sea level by mountain bike, for instance during the Silvretta Bike Safari. The moderately difficult tour covers a total distance of 31.5 kilometres and takes about four hours to complete. When you take a break, you can even catch a glimpse of Vorarlberg’s highest peak, the Piz Buin, towering above the natural panorama of the Montafon region.

Your destination


While for many visitors, the drive along the Silvretta High-Alpine Road is the main attraction, high-altitude enthusiasts are also drawn to Silvretta-Bielerhöhe. For those who take a break there, the highest point of the Alpine pass offers impressive views of the Piz Buin and plenty of opportunities for great summer adventures.

For instance, treat yourself to an exciting mountain bike tour, take a walk around Silvretta reservoir or embark on a high-alpine fishing trip! 

Thrills and spills

Silvretta Classic Rallye

In early summer, you can see an unusually high number of stylish vintage cars up on the steep road and down in the valley. Since 1998, the Silvretta Classic Rallye has been taking place every year in Vorarlberg’s Montafon region. The event is world-famous, attracting fans of all ages to the Alpine region.

The subsequent E-Vehicle Competition makes for additional excitement on the winding road and keeps spectators on the edge of their seats. An event tip not to be missed!

Your conveniently located base

Sporthotel Silvretta Montafon

Are you ready for an Alpine joyride on the Silvretta High-Alpine Road? The popular Alpine pass is quick and easy to reach from Sporthotel Silvretta Montafon – just like many other great excursion destinations in the Montafon region. It only takes an eight-minute drive to reach the toll station in Partenen, the starting point of the Silvretta High-Alpine Road.

After a day full of adventures, it‘s time to relax – whether it’s in the comfort of your hotel room or spacious Chalet, at the expansive Gold Spa or in the evening at Gold Rausch Bar. All of these places offer a perfect environment for you to look back on the day’s most memorable experiences.

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